I just finished watching a documentary called "Control Room"
It's a movie that reminded me of the sad days of the war on Iraq, I don't regret that memory recall, I just feel sad how I forget such sad days… How I felt so bad for my brothers and sisters in Iraq… There was nothing new in the documentary for me… It just was reminder… Now it's December 5, 2004… I want to make a point but I don't know how to explain it… I will make it easier on my self… I will switch my TV to a news channel, open a news website and open World Press Photo website at the same time.
On AlArabia News Channel "Another violent day in Iraq: 17 (Bashmarkeh) Killed and a car Exploded near the American Embassy"
On CNN.com "Bombs outside Baghdad's Green Zone kill 16"
And on World Press Photo website:
World Press Photo of the Year 2003
Photo Caption:
An Iraqi man comforts his four-year-old son at a holding center for prisoners of war, in the base camp of the US Army 101st Airborne Division near An Najaf, southern Iraq, on March 31. The boy had become terrified when, according to orders, his father was hooded and handcuffed. A US soldier later severed the plastic handcuffs so that the man could comfort his child. Hoods were placed over detainees' heads because they were quicker to apply than blindfolds. The military said the bags were used to disorientate prisoners and to protect their identities. It is not known what happened to the man or his son.
My post title was from the movie Control Room
"History tells us that human beings have short memories…"
Samir Khader, Senior Producer
AlJazeera News Channel
This is a review of the movie from IMDB.com:
Michael DeZubiria (miked32@hotmail.com)
Los Angeles, California
Date: 9 November 2004
Summary: Oh and by the way…
Early on in Control Room, we see Bush giving his speech just before the war in which he gave Saddam Hussein and his sons their 48-hour warning to get out of Iraq. I remember very, very clearly the day that he gave this speech, and even exactly what I was doing at the time, because I was absolutely astounded at how fake and transparent it was. At the time as well as now, I was completely convinced that Bush already knew there were no weapons on mass destruction in Iraq (I never believed it for a second, then or now), and simply wanted to take America to a swift and easy war there (which, given his Mission Accomplished speech, is truly what he thought it would be) in order to appease the disturbing number of Americans who were foaming at the mouth for revenge for the September 11th attacks.
In this ludicrous speech, Bush delivers his 48-hour warning to Hussein and his sons, and then mentions that many Iraqi people are listening to him through interpreters. "To the Iraqi people, if there is a military campaign, it is not against you but against the lawless men that run your country." Later in the same speech, part that was not included in Control Room, Bush mentions that they will be provided with supplies like medicine and food to help recover from unintentional civilian harm from the attacks.
At the time of this writing, there have been well over 1,100 American deaths, a shocking number, but one that pales in comparison to the more than 100,000 Iraqis who have been killed, MOSTLY women and children.
THAT, dear reader, is nothing short of genocide.
When Bush gave this speech, there had been no deaths on either side, and still the first thing that popped into my mind was an instant translation of Bush's speech.
"To the Iraqi people, if there is a military campaign, it is not against you but against the lawless men that run your country...you will be provided with the food and medical supplies that you need."
Translation: "To the Iraqi people, after we fly over and bomb the hell out of you, we will be sure to drop plenty of food and medicine on top of your burning carcasses, and you had better be damned grateful."
And now he expects our troops to win their hearts and minds...
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