Last night when I was leaving my office at 4:30AM I was stopping at a red traffic light...
Then a GMC Superpan with three guys in it stopped beside me, the driver rolled down his window and started this conversation: (It was in Arabic)
GMC Driver: Hey man! Whats up!
Me: umm... Hi! (Thinking do I know this guy?)
GMC Driver: How are you?... How is everything?... Bla Bla Bla?...
Me: I'm fine... Everything is fine... How can I help you?
GMC Driver: I will tell you on the next traffic light...
Me: umm okaaaay!
The traffic light turns green...
The next traffic light turns red...
The Superpan stopped next to me... Again!
GMC Driver: I think I bothered you and stuff...
Me: No, its okay... What do you want?
GMC Driver: I just was wondering if you can give me some of what you have?
Me: What do you want?
GMC Driver: You know... umm... I want some of the weed you have.
Me: WHAT!!!
The guy next to the driver: HASHEEESH!
Me: I dont have what you want!
The traffic light turns green...
Me: After you.
GMC Driver: No after you. And sorry again for asking.
Me: no problem (and I drove away)
They fallowed me for the next five traffic lights and they were all green, they stopped following me when I reached my house turn.
I think that was too strange!
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